Past Episodes

The High-RPM World of Auto Racing
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

The High-RPM World of Auto Racing

They say that if you want to make a small fortune in auto racing, you have to start with a large fortune. Between politics, mechanical issues, human factors, and the unknown, it's tough for a person with the need for speed to make it in the fastest-paced sport there is. But what does it really take? Our guest broke into racing in the middle of a successful career as a bankruptcy lawyer - and what parallels might lurk in that combination? We'll talk with Peter Partee, Sr. of Partee Racing LLC as we strip down the mysteries of the amateur and professional racing circuits, find out how competitors monetize adrenalin, and discover how racing operates as a business. it's far more than just left turns.

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Oxy is a Hell of a Drug
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

Oxy is a Hell of a Drug

With the stroke of a pen, a U.S. District Court Judge overturned the confirmed bankruptcy plan of Purdue Pharma, placing everything up in the air. What's at stake: $4.3 billion from Purdue's owners, the Sackler family, in exchange for the release of all claims against them from anyone, anywhere, for all time. Without those payments, no creditors other than the United States Government are likely to get anything at all - no opioid remediation and prevention programs; no payments to victims of the opioid epidemic; no states for having borne the costs of addiction; nothing. Plus, now bankruptcy courts don't have the authority they thought they had, so maybe we've broken the bankruptcy system. And what does this all have to do with Anna Nicole Smith??? We'll discuss this and more with one of the nation's foremost experts on bankruptcy.

Aired December 20, 2021

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It’s a (Service) Dog’s World
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

It’s a (Service) Dog’s World

Companion Dogs, Assistance Dogs, Seeing-Eye Dogs, Emotional Support Dogs - they seem the same to the uninitiated, but they're very different. We talk with two of the most respected leaders in the Service Dogs field about the business of making incredibly skilled canine companions - what goes into the breeding, the training, and the mating with a person in need. We'll explore the risks to the system, from un- and under-trained service dogs to outright fakes, and how our legal framework has evolved as the need for service dogs has skyrocketed.

Aired November 15, 2021

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The Low Cost of Second Chances
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

The Low Cost of Second Chances

What do we do to prepare the incarcerated for return to life outside bars and back in society? Shockingly little, as it turns out. What could we be doing? Quite a lot, and it can actually be a benefit to businesses to do it. Our guest knows both sides of this - as Philly’s former top law enforcement official, the District Attorney, and then as a federally incarcerated citizen.

Aired November 1, 2021

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The Complex Economic Maze of Adoption
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

The Complex Economic Maze of Adoption

Fast, inexpensive, easy. If you’re talking about adoption, choose none of those. It’s complex, ever-evolving, tied closely to efforts to both affirm womens’ bodily autonomy and also minimize abortion, and is influenced by any number of laws that change from state to state. We explore this complex maze with an expert on open adoption.

Aired September 13, 2021

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Politics - the State of State Politics
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

Politics - the State of State Politics

All politics are local. And local politics generally happen at the state level. State office, local political committees, statewide office, statewide federal office, congressional and Presidential elections all depend on state political parties for resources, local knowledge and information. We talk with a state party director to learn how they operate.

Aired July 26, 2021

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Politics - the Political Operative
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

Politics - the Political Operative

In the latest installment of our continuing series on politics, we look at the professional political operatives that make the process run. Our guest Amy Dacey has run campaigns and political operations for elected officials, one of the largest political action committees, one of the largest labor unions, and the Democratic Party. Join us as we dive into this world.

Aired July 19, 2021

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The Unsinkable Molly Bloom (or, “the High-Stakes Business of High-Stakes Poker”)
Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin Politics, CEO, Convention, COVID Ted Gavin

The Unsinkable Molly Bloom (or, “the High-Stakes Business of High-Stakes Poker”)

We take a look inside the business of the worlds’ most exclusive high-stakes poker game with the woman who ran it all, Molly Bloom. Learn about what it takes to create and manage a game where a hundred million dollars changes hands in one night. Molly Bloom is the author of the memior Molly’s Game and subject of the Academy Award-nominated film of the same name.

Aired June 12, 2021

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