The Internet Radio is for Porn


The adult entertainment industry is tough to pin down - once dominated by a cluster of major studios whose financials were private, the industry has been disrupted by the internet such that there are now as many producers in Budapest, Hungary as there are in the San Fernando Valley - once called Silicone Valley, the epicenter of porn production. How did the adult entertainment trade become what it was, and what has it become now? Join our guest, expert on sexuality, technology and adult entertainment, as we explore this porn business.


Lux Alptraum - Author, Consultant and Speaker, host of Tabloid podcast

Episode Notes:

Lux’s Twitter and website

Lux’s book, which you really should read

Tabloid podcast

Show Notes:

Theme music by the mysterious Breakmaster Cylinder. “Smut” used with permission of Tom Lehrer and the Tom Lehrer Trust 2000.

Show branding by Peg Fitzpatrick & PMG Group.

P.R. and social media by Carol Lunger, Emily Stern, and A B+C Creative.


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Politics - the State of State Politics