Ted Gavin is a turnaround specialist and understands corporate distress from all sides. But, he’s never been a big fan of business books and business shows. What he loves are war stories - and there are lessons to be learned from others’ interesting experiences and observations. Here, he and his guests craft interesting narratives around business-based facts to create compelling stories that entertain and inform.

Ted lives in Chilmark, Massachusetts - “the wettest dry town in America” - on Martha’s Vineyard. He works wherever his firm’s clients need him to be. He’s a husband, a father of two adult daughters, a person to three rescue cats, and a pretty okayish rhythm guitarist and bassist.

Ted in his moonlighting job as rhythm guitarist for The Indubitable Equivalents, the house band of the American Bankruptcy Institute.

Ted in his moonlighting job as rhythm guitarist for The Indubitable Equivalents, the house band of the American Bankruptcy Institute.

Ted was the 2018-2019 President of the American Bankruptcy Institute. He holds a Master of Dispute Resolution degree and a Master of Legal Studies degree from Pepperdine University School of Law, and is Founding Partner and Managing Director of Gavin/Solmonese LLC, a national boutique corporate recovery and public affairs advisory firm. He’s also a frequent expert witness in bankruptcy litigation and a practicing mediator.

Contact Ted for more info.

If you really want more info about this guy, check out this blog post.