We ask a lot of service-members, and they give far more than they are asked. For many, what they bring back from their service complicates the rest of their lives. Whether it’s supporting a family on a military salary or navigating the difficult transition to civilian life after service, our vets and service-members are often left alone, uneducated and unprepared for a complex financial existence, complicated by medical issues, the itinerant nature of life in the military, and all the complexities of keeping a family and raising kids. Our laws, sadly, haven’t been much help.

What’s happening right now that might help vets and service-members’ financial lives?.

Correction: In the closing of the show, we inadvertently referred to guest Holly Petraeus as former Director of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She was formerly Assistant Director. We regret the error.


Holly Petraeus - Assistant Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (retired)

Lt. Col. Kristina Stanger, Esq. (U.S. Army) - Commander, 109th Multifunction Medical Battalion. Attorney, Nyemaster Goode, P.C.

Prof. Jack F. Williams, JD, Ph.D. - Georgia State University


Holly Petraeus:


Jack F. Williams:


Lt. Col. Kristina Stanger, Esq.



Episode Notes:

USC School of Social Work study on veterans transition difficulties

American Bankruptcy Institute’s Task Force on Veterans’ and Servicemembers Affairs webpage and Twitter

Show notes:

Theme music by the mysterious Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music by the mysterious Breakmaster Cylinder, including “Beaming” and “Mr. Chompers” (under license).

Show branding by Peg Fitzpatrick & PMG Group.

P.R. and social media by Carol Lunger, Emily Stern and AB+C Creative.


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