Bankruptcy comes in many forms and is used for many reasons. Companies and individuals turn - sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not - to Title 11 of the United States Code - the bankruptcy code - for relief. How that relief comes and its true costs depend on a lot of variables. Bankruptcy is both easy to explain and maddeningly complex. But, as a lawyer once said - the thing about code-based sections of the law is this: if you want to get something done, you have to find a loophole.

Join us with our guest, HoganLovells attorney Hon. Kevin Carey (Retired), former Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, as we discuss the finer points of being broke, seeking relief, and chasing the fresh start that bankruptcy promises.


Honorable Kevin Carey (Retired) - Hogan Lovells, LLP (Philadelphia, PA)


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